SFRP video lessons are brought to you thanks to supporters like you. Thank you!
Getting Started
Tuning The Guitar By Ear
Learning the Names of the Notes on the Low E, A, and D Strings
Beginning Lessons
First Open Chords - E & Emin
Open Chords (E, C, G, D, F, Em, Am, Dm)
Rhythm Exercises #1
Newman’s First Lesson For You
Strum Patterns
Barre Chords (A Major Position)
Barre Chords (E-string Position)
Intro to Dominant 7th Chords
Scales, Modes & Theory
Intro to Major Scales
Major Pentatonic Scale, Applying from Relative Minor Scale
Segovia Scale (in G)
Intro to Natural Minor Scales
Emin Pentatonic Scale
Minor Pentatonic Scale, Pt. II (Intermediate)
Major 7th Arpeggios (Advanced)
Modes: Getting the Most Out of Major Scales (Advanced)
Cadences (Intermediate)
Intro to Minor 7th Chords
Intro to 9ths & The Jimi Hendrix Chord
Right Hand Exercises
Basic Blues Shuffle
Amp Basics
Song-Specific Lessons
“Stand By Me”